Journal Entries

Journal Entry #21: There is No Evil in My Kingdom

Photo by Grafissimo from Getty Images Signature (This is a stock photo.)

Wed 9 August 2023

Q: Lord, do You “allow” bad things to happen in people’s lives? Do You “allow” for a 4 years old child to get beaten by her parent or a teenage girl to be raped? Do You “allow” vulnerable people to be abused?

A: Shhh, My child, I do not want you to be distressed. I do not allow child abuse, or sexual abuse, or vulnerable people to be abused. I honor free agency, and sometimes people use their free agency to do evil.

However, there are many times that people become victims of abuse because they did not heed My warnings. They did not heed My warnings because they did not recognize My voice. My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge about Me and My kingdom. Those I’ve called to leadership are responsible for equipping My children; for teaching them how to accurately hear My voice.

People do not understand that every thought they perceive does not originate from themselves. When I speak to them about a warning in a dream, or spontaneous thought or image in their mind, they do not understand that it is My voice speaking instead of their own voice.

People should not generalize about negative experiences as if they are all on par. There is a difference between abuse, trauma, and tragedies that steal, kill and destroy—these are always the work of the devil—and how I correct My children with teaching and nudging.

I nudge My children in the right direction the way a mother eagle nudges her babies out of the nest to learn how to fly. The baby eagle would never leave the nest if the mother eagle did not nudge it out at just the right time, causing it to fall. She will swoop down and rescue her baby every time until the little eagle learns how to fly. So too, sometimes My children need nudging, and I nudge them on the path that they should go. I did this for Mark when he got fired from his position at the church. He was ready to fly, and I nudged him out of his comfort zone—his nest.

My teaching and nudging are not the kinds of experiences that lead to PTSD. Mark was initially hurt and angry, but he eventually saw My wisdom and came through it better than he was before the experience. The devil’s work in people’s lives kills, steals, and destroys, while My work in people’s lives leads to blessings, happiness, favor, abundance, success, more than and better than before.

Every person and situation is unique and requires My wisdom. The word “allow” is often inaccurate because it implies that I was passive, as if I could have prevented something bad from happening but didn’t. I do not passively allow My children to be harmed. Everything I orchestrate in My children’s lives is for their good. There is no good in child abuse, pornography, alcoholism, rape, sex trafficking, or any sin. The devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy. I come to bring life abundantly. By their fruits you shall know them.


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