Journal Entries

Journal Entry #11: A Spiritual Ecosystem

Photo by Pakhnyushchyy from Getty Images Pro

Thu 4 May 2023

Q: Lord, thanks for Timothy’s teaching (1) on seeking the Kingdom of God. What do You want me to see in it?

A: See that the Kingdom of God is within your heart and mind and that it is where the River of Life flows, bringing life and healing and restoration to your mind and body. You seek the Kingdom. Look for it. See it inside of yourself. That is where I am.

There is a spiritual ecosystem within you that needs to be flowing in the Spirit, operating on the wavelength of the Holy Spirit. When you are tuned to this wavelength all your being–spirit, soul, and body–are in harmony, peace, love, joy, and happiness in the fullness of my abundant life.

Now, how do you tune into the wavelength of the Holy Spirit? Well, you are doing it now. Keep your mind focused, meditating on the truth in My Word and your hearing will spring forth.

When your mind rehearses the pain of your past (2) . . . it tunes you out of the flow.

It is possible to stay perpetually in the flow. As all of these issues are completely uprooted out of your spirit and soul, the glow of the Spirit will be perpetual.

You are correct, everyone I healed as recorded in the New Testament was in no way in tune. They had pain and wounds in their hearts and minds, so I was able to heal them because I was in the flow of the Holy Spirit all of the time. Their healing came from Me. Your healing comes through Me too. When you are in My presence there is healing, because I always heal.

The River flowing from within you is My presence. As you journal more and more, My presence will become more real to you and you will see a tangible difference in your perspective, inner vision, mental and physical health, as well as your emotional health.

You are on track. Keep moving. Amen.

1: This is referring to a minister, not Scripture.

2: PTSD involuntarily causes victims to relive traumatic experiences in their mind, which is not the same as remembering. It feels real, as if the experiences are actually happening.


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