Journal Entries

Journal Entry #13: The Gift of Tongues is Key to Your Healing

Photo by qimono from Pixabay

Sat 8 July 2023

Q: Dear Lord, what do you want to say to me?

A: My sweet daughter, be still. . . You will be healed by receiving My healing Remedy prepared 2,000 years ago. And yes, the gift of tongues is the key to your healing. It is the fire of My love, a burning desire of My passion spoken through the language of angels, pure, perfect, and unerring. It is the power you need to succeed in your mission, which is always rooted in love.

Also, praying in the tongues of angels, deepens our intimacy, because as you develop in this gift your ability to hear My voice is fine-tuned.

Also, because the prayer in the tongue of angels is perfect, it alters the course in the spirit realm, like a GPS, and impacts the natural realm so that My will is done on earth as it is in heaven, which is often not the case–for now–but eventually will be the reality for all. Peace, be still. Remember that I love you, fiercely love you. You will see amazing things transpire. You are on the right path. Keep trying in the Spirit.

Thu 8 November 2023

Q: Dear Jesus, in an earlier conversation You instructed me with the words “don’t try” to obtain healing, but in this conversation You say “keep trying in the Spirit.” This sounds contradictory. Please explain what You mean.

A: There is a world of difference between trying as human effort to satisfy a falsely perceived spiritual qualification and trying in the Spirit, which depends 100% on having faith in Me and yielding your tongue to the perfect speech of the Holy Spirit. The first is human effort while the later is the power of God manifesting in partnership with a faith-filled child of promise.


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