Journal Entries

Journal Entry # 25: The Dawning of the New Jerusalem

Photo by FredFroese from Getty Images Signature

Two-Way Journal Entry # 1: Dawning of the New Jerusalem 

Fri 20 Oct 2023

Q: Dear Lord, What do you want to say to me?

A: When Zion—the millennium—begins it will be the dawning of a new day. The day when society will begin to be transformed, not by force but by conversion through love and reeducation.

The absence of evil does not automatically rectify all that needs to be restored. My children will need to rebuild and build, educate and liberate people from the false paradigms and ideologies that they have been indoctrinated into. This will be a much easier process once the demonic are expelled from the earth realm, but do not think that paradise will be instantaneous.

I work through people in the seven mountains of influence over society. All of these areas need to be built up but there will not be demonic obstacles in the way of My people.

It will be a great historic era. Everyone who participates will count themselves greatly blessed and privileged to take part in this last exodus from evil and the entrance into the eternal Promised Land established by Me; by My blood; by My resurrection. For such a time as this is NOW. And “now” is sooner than you think. It is not tomorrow. It is today.

The exodus from evil and journey to the Promised Land of the New Jerusalem is underway. It has begun. It is in progress. Soon the veil of darkness over the minds of mankind will be pulled back, and all mankind will see and know Me. Just as My Word says, My Kingdom will fill the entire earth.

There is an eternal purpose to mortal life. Eternity doesn’t suddenly begin when a mortal dies or when I return. Eternity is now!

The talent, integrity, character, and moral fiber that is the essence of an individual’s personality carries over with them as they transition from mortal life to the spirit realm at the time of death. People can not take money or possessions with them when they die, but they do retain their personality, character, talents, and relationships. Life lessons are valuable assets and an important part of preparation for each individual’s purpose and My plan for them in My eternal Kingdom.

This is not easy for the human mind to grasp because so much of mortal life is challenging, but rest assured, there is much good within people that transitions with them as the transformation of My Kingdom on earth—the New Jerusalem—manifests.


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