Journal Entries

Journal Entry #17: God Does Not Inspire Evil

Photo by ChristianChan from Getty Images

Mon 10 July 2023

Q: Dear Lord, I don’t agree with the teaching that you cause calamity, or the trauma that some people experience, because that would mean that you are the cause of child abuse and rape.

A: Be peaceful, daughter, be still. All is well. There are misinterpretations of Scriptures by people who are well meaning. . . I do work all things out for good, but that doesn’t mean that it was good for a child to be abused or a woman to be raped or sexuality violated, and that they are better off because of it. It means that I take what the devil meant for evil and I transform it into something good, giving restoration to victims of abuse who come to me for healing.

There is no battle between Satan and Me. I am God. He is not. I honor the stewardship I gave to Adam, and his action that relinquished that stewardship to the devil. Through My life, death, and resurrection I completely defeated the devil. I restored the Kingdom of God on earth, but humans must learn to live with the stewardship I restored to them.

My sovereign control doesn’t mean that I orchestrate evil, but that I govern through the spiritual laws which include mankind’s free-agency. When humans use their free-agency they apply laws which can hurt people and create suffering.

The free-agency I gave to humans empowers them to create because they have imaginations and I will not take that power away. Humans’ free agency is as necessary to the Kingdom of Heaven as freedom of speech is necessary to the freedom of America, because without freedom of speech you are not free.

Some people use their freedom of speech to express evil, just as some people use their free-agency to imagine evil. Both create suffering. Freedom requires the necessity of the choice to do good or to do evil. Keep in mind that some people, like Eve, are deceived into using their freedom to do evil.

I do not inspire evil. I do not give My sanction to atrocities. There is no evil in My kingdom.

I gave stewardship of the earth to mankind and Adam gave it to the devil, and then I came to give it back to mankind. Those who believe in Me are saved and delivered from the kingdom of the devil, but it is like the power of electricity—unless they learn how to access the power of My Kingdom they will continue to live in the dark.


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