Journal Entries

Journal Entry #34: Dream Life

Photo by DAPA Images (This is a stock photo.)

Sun 3 December 2023

Q: Good morning, Lord. What do you want to say to me today?

A: Sleep is an important part of the human life experience. Not only does the body rest, but the soul is in communication with the spirit realm without the interference of the mind. But just as during waking hours, not all voices in your dreams are My voice.

Always test spirit communication, voices in your dreams, thoughts, and visions, emotions, etc. Communication from Me is absent of panic and fear. Even when I warn of danger, I speak in a calm voice. I do not incite fear.

Before falling asleep, invite the Holy Spirit to speak into your dream life. Be prepared to write down your dreams just as you do with journal entries. If you wake up in the middle of the night, write down your dream, including the details, because even things that seem like small details can have significant meaning. Then go back to sleep. The dream can be interpreted after you awake for the day.

Dreams are a primary voice of the Holy Spirit. Never dismiss dreams without first inquiring of Me. Dreams are night visions. Why do I sometimes speak in dreams versus visions? Because I want My children to keep open channels of communication with Me day and night, 24/7. I want the flow to be like a continuous river of love and peace flowing through their heart and cascading over their life experiences.

Remember My born-again children and I are doing life together. Apart from Me there is perpetual pain and suffering. With Me there is a flow of love, and abundance in every area of your life. The River of Life is always flowing, but hearing My voice is key to the effectiveness of the flow of the River in your life.


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