Journal Entries

Journal Entry #19: Blessed is the Name of Jesus

Photo by Suze777 from Getty Images

Tue 8 August 2023, early AM before bed 

Q: Dear Lord, what do you want to say to me?

A: Lynne, please know and trust that you are on the right path . . .

“Blessed is the name of the Most High.” My name. Use My name with authority. I have bestowed it on you; vested you with power to establish My Kingdom. First in your own life and family, and then in the places I call you to minister.

You will be the happiest you’ve ever been. Happy days are here. Continue to count your blessings as we review our day before bed.

And since you asked Me to give you revelation to ask the right questions, ask for prayers that will heal your heart.

Q: Lord, bless me with prayers that will heal my heart.

  • A: Pray for the Light of Truth to dawn upon your mind, and rest there.
  • Pray for the glory of God to shine from your heart, and energized your space.
  • Pray for the Wisdom of God to impart vision to always see and know what to do and when to do it.
  • Pray for the peace of God to envelope your soul that you may sleep through the night and receive My voice in your dreams.
  • Pray for the gift of prophecy to minister in a powerful and effective way.


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