Journal Entries

Journal Entry #39: The Master Key

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Sat 24 February 2024

Q: Hi Lord, what do You want to say to me today?

A: Lynne, I want to talk to you about true love. At their core humans crave to be in love, and not just in a romantic relationship. But to give and receive love in all their relationships for love has many forms, degrees, and expressions. I intentionally wired humans to have this craving for love.

The first love that every human should experience is love from and for their parents. But, sadly, parents are often the first source of human heartbreak. Parents, siblings, grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles and all variants of the family tribe should be wells of love where children are nourished and trained in the art of giving and receiving My love, for all authentic love is an expression of Me. Family is the foundation of all aspects of society. There is no work that any person can do for Me that is greater than the work they do in their own family.

And then there are friendships, a valuable treasure to cherish, and even love for your neighbors, communities, and work spaces. These relationships illustrate what I meant by expressions of love in varying degrees and forms. But the pinnacle of love is shared between Me and My church.  I intended for marriage between a husband and wife to be a type for My pinnacle of love.

There is more: My love is also expressed towards animals, activities, nature, and beauty in all its forms. When true love freely flows it is the dominant heart emotion.

Examine your heart. Who do you love? What do you love to experience? Are you experiencing true love or is what you feel merely a facade hiding your inner pain? Understanding your heart is a journey to knowing and falling in love with yourself. This is the most challenging channel for the flow of My love. Few people actually love themselves.

Loving yourself is not expressed through selfishness, or by being self absorbed, or by strenuous self efforts. Such behavior is a sign of extreme inner turmoil and woundedness. When a person confidently knows that they are loved, especially by Me, they will value and love themselves, which will be experienced with inner peace and assurance. Why? Because when a person knows that they are loved, valued, and never alone, they do not feel compelled to strive to acquire love from an outside source. Such striving is futile and empty.

Before true, authentic love can be externally expressed, it must be internally secure. Otherwise it will be tainted to one degree or another with fear infused motives. When people value themselves, as I value them, they do not rely on themselves to navigate a course through life. They depend on Me, as their senior life partner, to guide them day-to-day in all that they do; to find, to give, and to receive love. When their inner need to be loved is secure they stop striving to acquire love and acceptance in all the wrong ways and places.

My gospel can be summed up in one word—LOVE. No amount of human contemplation or meditation is sufficient to comprehend My love. Only the Holy Spirit can reveal it. Personally. You must have a personal revelation from the Holy Spirit to grasp My love. The flow of My love is the master key that opens all doors. Pray for a revelation about My love.

COPYRIGHT © 2024 Lynne Erickson Valle

Tree of Life Ministries at

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