Journal Entries

Journal Entry #22: Justice is a Foundational Principle

Photo by Africa Images

Thu 10 Aug 2023

Q: Lord, what can you tell me about Romans 12:19-20 (TPT):

“Beloved, don’t be obsessed with taking revenge, but leave that to God’s righteous justice. For the scriptures say: ‘Vengeance is mine, and I will repay,’ says the Lord.”

A: Mortal life is a short portion of eternity. Eternity is now. Today you are living in eternity. Justice is a foundational principle in My kingdom. Ultimately you will receive justice for every injustice from the least to the greatest.

One of your challenges is that you equate forgiving those who abused you with the loss of justice, as if they will never be held accountable or have to acknowledge what they did to you. This is a false belief.

No sinner can enter the Holy City. In order to be saved a person must repent of their known sins and believe in their heart that I Am who I Am, and confess with their mouth that belief, and then they receive My gift of salvation. Part of repentance is coming to an accurate understanding of their sins and mistakes and the impact those actions had on others.

The Holy Spirit gives revelation and uncovers any unknown sin in a person’s life that needs to be uncovered. This process of uncovering unknown sins is not always complete before a person is born-again, because My Light shines brighter within a person as they spiritually mature, and sometimes people are not capable of seeing their sins until they spiritually mature.

My grace is not a license for sin. My grace does not excuse, tolerate, or minimize sinful behavior and its impact on victims. Being a Christian does not mean never having to say, “I’m sorry.” The more a born-again person is walking in My light the more they will want to, by their Spirit fused volition, apologize and make recompense to those they’ve hurt, especially when their actions hurt someone severely. That realization will sting them and they will intensely desire to bring healing and restoration to the injured party.

This is not punishment. All those who belong to Me are saved from the penalty of sin, and that penalty is spiritual death. They are born of the Spirit and are being transformed into My image. But they will stand corrected and brought to the knowledge of the truth of every word and action of their life. They will not be able to justify or excuse abusive and selfish behavior, for I know the real intent and design on every heart.

I also want you to understand that even though abusive people are unrepentant in their mortal life, and it seems as if justice has escaped you, it is I who restores and compensates you for the works of the devil. The pendulum swings both ways, yet it supernaturally swings much farther to the right than it swings to the left. I give you greater than what was stolen, killed, and destroyed by the devil.

You can not change your personal history, but with the help of the Holy Spirit you can change your perspective about it.

Consider __________ and the evil she inflicted on you. Now consider Me. 

As I was nailed to the cross, I prayed, “Father, forgive them for they don’t know what they are doing.” Was My prayer just for the soldiers crucifying Me? No. They were for everyone who was part of the conspiracy to arrest Me. Those who brought the false accusations, those who tried and sentenced Me, those in the crowd who cheered “crucify him,” the soldiers who beat and humiliated me—it was for every person involved, great and small. I knew their names and what was in their hearts. I sincerely and fully forgave them all. If I had not forgiven them I would have died with sin in Me, because to not forgive is sin, and I would not have been the unblemished Lamb of God.

Remember that the definition of sin is to miss the mark of God. Your Heavenly Father wants His children to forgive offenses because otherwise the pain will poison their mind and body , magnifying the harm the devil caused in their life.

Not one of those people who contributed to My crucifixion got to that place of sin by themselves. There were religious, political, social, and other influences and pressures that led them to sin. All these influences and influencers were the puppets of the devil, but that does not negate personal accountability.

Do you think _________ got to be so cold, hateful, and without a moral compass, all by herself? No. She had a lot of help getting there. The same is true for all abusive people. These people have a dark space in their soul that makes a welcoming home for demons. The more they sin, the more the demonic territory within them expands. As their conscience is seared the less able they are to hear My voice. Externally it may appear as if they escaped justice and accountability, but I assure you, their inner world is shallow and unfulfilling. Although, they may not realize their inner emptiness because they have never experienced true inner health.

There is never a thriving inner life without the Holy Spirit. Even saved people are capable of seeing their conscience to the point that they prevent themselves from being able to hear the Holy Spirit. It is identical to wearing spiritual ear plugs.

Eventually these people will feel the full force of the pain they inflicted on others, plus the anguish of regret for being the devil’s human agent in these matters.

Look at them with eyes of compassion, because no matter how hard they try to justify themselves, the devil roams about “looking for whom he may devour” and they are devourable. Being “devourable” isn’t just about whom the devil can victimize with abuse, the “devourable” ones are the ones the devil can use as his human agents. He needs their hands and feet; voice and ears, and thoughts to carry out his work of stealing, killing, and destroying. Many people don’t realize that their abusive behavior will come back to them multiplied. When you see them through the application of spiritual laws it will empower the transformation of hate into compassion. They were used by the devil because they had some kind of spiritual entrance caused by sin and someday they will suffer anguish for what they did when they are brought to a realization of it.


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