Dreams & Interpretations

DREAM #6: A Time of Clean-up Followed by Victory

Photo by Drazen Zigic from Getty Images

Wed 4 November 2020

SCENE 1: I was married to Donald Trump. We had a baby. Our baby urinated and defecated over the entire living room floor.

I knew that I would have to clean it up.

SCENE 2: My husband (in the dream), Donald Trump, and I were in bed, heads on our pillows, ready to fall asleep for the night.

SCENE 3: I was at a beautiful venue, preparing for a large party that I was hosting. A woman entered the scene and handed me two wrapped gifts that my husband, President Trump, sent me.

I opened the gifts. (Unfortunately, I can’t remember what one of the gifts was.)

One gift was a silver ring that looked like a combination wedding-engagement ring. The wedding band portion of the ring had a delicate design on it.

The engagement portion of the ring had an exceptionally large green stone that looked like a diamond.

I put the ring on my finger.



SCENE 1: You symbolize everyone who said “yes” to Donald Trump by voting for him.

The baby symbolized Donald Trump’s second term, created by the union of Trump and his supporters. 

The living room is the place that the family gathers. It is the shared living space. The living room symbolizes the communities of America, where people live.

The baby soiled the living room floor reveals that Donald Trump’s second term as President of the United States of America, would be interrupted by a filthy, foul smelling mess.

Trump’s supporters would have to clean up the mess.

SCENE 2: Trump and his supporters preparing to go to sleep symbolizes that Trump would not be active as President of the United States for some period of time.

SCENE 3: You preparing to host a large party symbolizes Trump’s supporters preparing to win the 2024 election. The gifts that Trump sends his wife symbolizes his victory in the 2024 election.

The wedding band symbolizes a never ending union between America and Me and the large green diamond symbolizes the abundant life that will be the fruit of our union.

After you woke up, you forgot what one gift was. It was a second honeymoon. Trump’s second term will be a new beginning of love and happiness in America.


Tree of Life Ministries at www.tolm.blog

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