Dreams & Interpretations

Dream #1: The Holy Spirit Reveals a False Diagnosis

Photo by Monkey Business Images (This is a stock photo.)


In 2007 I was in the ER for lower back pain. The ER doctor discovered a cyst on my cervix. The nurse was extremely confident that I had cervical cancer. She insisted I see my GYN right away. So I made an appointment, but before my visit, I had this dream:

  • My doctor—who looked nothing like my real doctor—told me that the cyst was nothing to worry about.

I woke up feeling relieved and comforted. Comforting us is one of the primary roles if the Holy Spirit.

When I went for the exam with my doctor, she said almost exactly what the doctor in my dream said. She explained to me that these kinds of cysts were so common that she didn’t even mention them to her patients during routine annual exams.


Tree of Life Ministries at www.tolm.blog

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