Dreams & Interpretations

Dream #13: Gifts From the Holy Spirit

Photo by jaycriss from Getty Images

Mon 7 November 2022

I was in a spacious house with three people. An unknown man gave us three poodles. One was especially unique. It was a very beautiful shade of a darker blue, and this dog was larger than the others. (I had never seen that shade of blue before.) I was petting this poodle. The other two poodles were light blue.

The two women wanted to keep one dog, and the owner of the house wanted to keep one dog.



  • The house represents a local church.
  • The owner of the house is the pastor.
  • The two women are leaders.
  • The unknown man who gave gifts to the local church is the Holy Spirit.

The gifts from the Holy Spirit are the focus of this dream:

  • The poodle is man’s best friend; a constant and affectionate companion. The poodles symbolize gifts from the Holy Spirit.
  • The color blue symbolizes the spiritual; revelation from God.

These gifts are:

  • The unique blue poodle symbolizes the Word of Knowledge.
  • The other blue poodles symbolize the Word of Wisdom,
  • and the Discerning of Spirits.

The Word of Knowledge gift is symbolized by the larger, unique heavenly blue poodle in order to emphasize the priority of importance of the Word of Knowledge gift in the work of the local church. Flowing in the Word of Knowledge should be key to every local church. When the Word of Knowledge flows, the other gifts will join the stream.


Tree of Life Ministries at www.tolm.blog

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