Dreams & Interpretations

Dream #14: Arresting the Enemy

Photo by allanswart from Getty Images

Thur 23 March 2023

There was a man on the “Most Wanted” list. I caught him, and then his name was taken off of the list.



The man you arrested was a high-level demon. You disarmed the demon and arrested him by using the authority you have. Every born-again believer has the authority to use My name, and release the power that is in My name.

The demon’s name was taken off the “Most Wanted” list because you used your authority to incarcerate the demon in the spirit realm by fortifying the entrance to the person or place he was expelled from so that the demon cannot return.

My people have the authority to use My name to arrest the enemy. They shouldn’t merely cast the demon out of a person or place, for he will return and bring more demons with him. Demons are able to return because the entrance to the place or person that they were expelled from remains open and the space is empty.

My name is Law on heaven and earth when it is used with legal authority:

  • First, you disarm the demon by commanding him by the authority of My name to be bound, meaning commanding him to be retrained. This renders the demon inactive and unable to perform the work of the devil, which is to steal, kill, and destroy.
  • Second, you arrest the demon by the authority of My name, meaning you remove the demon from where he has trespassed, whether in a person or place. With the authority of My name you cast the demon out and command him to return to the realm from which he came, and to never return.
  • Third, with the authority of My name, you seal up the entrance by which the demon entered the person or place. This is a simple command and not a long legalistic ritual. If the person is a believer or the place has been dedicated to Me, they are covered in My blood and delivered from every curse.
  • Fourth, with the authority of My name, you must fill the space made empty by the eviction of the demon(s). Fill it with My Spirit, My Word, prayer in the Spirit, worship, praise, thanksgiving, etc.

Deliverance ministry should not be a revolving door, but a powerful transformation that heals and restores wounded lives with lasting results.


Tree of Life Ministries at www.tolm.blog

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