Dreams & Interpretations

Dream #18: The Church is a Family

Photo by Monkey Business Images (This is a stock photo.)

Mon 4 December 2023

I was a volunteer for an organization. The building was in the corner of a shopping center. It was daytime. The following people were in this dream: 

  • A woman who was recently released from prison.
  • The manager.
  • My sleeping infant son, named Joshua.
  • Me.

The female manager does not interact with us, but is present. My infant son is sleeping under blankets on a couch in the foyer.

The woman didn’t have Christmas presents for her 6 years old daughter. So she tried to take some things from a bin in the back room. These were things that children used while they were there, but they didn’t take them home. And they were not things that a child would care about, like an adult glove.

I stopped the woman, and was a bit upset at what she had tried to do. I told her it was wrong for her to try and steal from the people who had been trying to help her, but I was thinking about buying gifts for her daughter. Perhaps that nice doll house I’d just seen at Costco.

The woman and I went to the front door to leave. I was going to give her a ride home. She lived very close. Either just around the corner behind the shopping center, or a few streets down. I unlocked the door and the woman went out to the parking lot, but I went back to tell the manager that she would be alone in the building and the front door was unlocked. When I found the manager I was surprised to see a man. He half jokingly commented that he would be okay (meaning, safe) with the door unlocked.

I left the building. I could see the woman leaning into my car, arranging something on the seats. I got halfway through the parking lot when I realized I had forgotten my baby! I rushed back to the door, worried that the manager had left and the door would be locked.

It was unlocked. So I rushed over to my sleeping baby, removed the blankets, and picked him up. He was so adorable!! I carried him out to the parking lot.



  • Volunteering for an organization symbolizes serving in the church.
  • The manager symbolizes the pair of angels—one female and one male—who frequently appear in your dreams.
  • The woman recently released from prison symbolizes a newly born-again child of God.
  • Christmas gifts are the gifts of the Holy Spirit and the teaching and training on how to operate these gifts.
  • Her 6 years old daughter symbolizes the fruit of the new Christian’s union with Me; their new identity as a child of God. The number six symbolizes that all new children of God are new creations because the Holy Spirit lives inside of them. But their soul (mind) still operates under the weakness of fallen men with all the negative lies and harmful programming coded by the devil. So the number six stands for the weakness of fallen humanity that the new child of God overcomes through partnership with the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
  • Adult glove: A glove is something that fits to your hand and protects it. Your hand symbolizes the means of service or labor in My kingdom. The woman took the glove because she desired to fit in, to have a purpose, and to serve.
  • Sleeping baby Joshua symbolizes Me, baby Jesus. The baby is sleeping, symbolizing resting in the Holy Spirit; being led and directed by the Holy Spirit in you.
  • Blankets symbolize being covered or immersed in the Holy Spirit; empowered by the Holy Spirit.
  • The woman lived nearby because she was a child of God and living in the territory of My kingdom.
  • Your desire to buy gifts for the daughter symbolizes your willingness to teach, train, and equip this woman to understand her new identity and how to operate her gifts.
  • The front door symbolizes Me.

Q: Dear Lord, thank you for interpreting the individual details for this dream. Please share the full message.

A: The message I want My children to receive from this dream is the importance of establishing personal identity in the newly born-again child of God. When people get saved they don’t receive an instant download for Christianity 101.

The church has the responsibility to teach and train every individual, so that they know who they are in Me, and what that means in their daily life.

The woman in your dreams was “taking,” or imitating, the gifts and talents of other Christians because she didn’t think she had any of her own. She didn’t understand her new identity. She didn’t know who she was in partnership with Me, but she desperately wanted a purpose and to exercise spiritual gifts, so she “took” what was not hers. Imitation is not authentic and will not fulfill her or be successful.

Here are the four keys for parenting a new born-again child of God:

  • Teach them about their new identity as a Spirit-filled child of God, including teaching them the difference between being filled with the Spirit and being immersed in the Spirit.
  • Train them in identifying their God given unique gifts and talents.
  • Equip them in how to operate in those gifts, talents, and callings.
  • Partner them with a personal spiritual mentor to help them grow into a mature child of God.

All of the gifts of the Holy Spirit are available to all of My children but the application of these gifts is uniquely expressed by each one of them, because of their unique personality and callings in their life.

I intentionally designed My church to be a family community; to operate as a family. The older, mature Christians teach and train the younger ones out of love and with an authentic desire for their best interest.

In a healthy family dynamic, every member is loved just for being part of the family. They don’t earn or lose love by what they do or do not do. This is the love that should be in My church.

Correct. Teach. Train. Always with a spirit of family love.


Tree of Life Ministries at www.tolm.blog

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