Journal Entries

Journal Entry #36: Color Me Happy

Photos by: Margarita Khamidulina from Getty Images (flowers); Leung Cho Pan (cosmetics); rcphotostock (clothing); Margarita Khamidulina from Getty Images (drink)

Sun 20 January 2024

Q: Dear Lord, what do You want to say to me about chromotherapy, or color therapy?

(I asked this question because Johnny and Elizabeth Enlow mention chromotherapy in their book “Rise,” which I was reading.)

A: You named your rainbow earring design Color Me Happy [1]. It was well named because colors do contribute to a person’s happiness and state of mind.

Every color has a frequency. Colors have energy, just as words do. Colors impact people, like words, for better or worse. Colors can enhance life or hasten death.

Why are some people attracted to certain colors while others are attracted to an entirely different palette? Because the colors in a person’s life—clothes, makeup, home, food, workspace, local environment, etc., impact them. They are drawn to the colors that they need to sustain their energy level or shift it.

Colors can also drain people’s energy, and sap life. When people wear colors that don’t resonate with them, or are confined to a residency or workspace that isn’t palatable to them, it will drain their energy and adversely impact their mental and physical health.

Notice how I beautified the earth. It is rich in color. It is beautiful, dynamic, and filled with color. But the colors of the desert lands are not the same as the jungle, or the arctic, or meadows, or the mountains and forests. I intentionally positioned majestic palettes of color throughout the earth. All people are not attracted to all scenes of nature, but every person can find something that speaks to them personally. The same is true for the colors people wear and incorporate into their lives.

People will do well if they learn to listen to their heart and identify the colors that resonate with their heart. If they incorporate these colors into their wardrobe, home, and workspace, those colors will have a positive impact on their life.

Additionally, when people create their color palette for living, the words they speak in faith—Rhema words, Biblical affirmations, and prophetic utterances, will be more effective. Living intentionally by utilizing colors that resonate with your heart in addition to speaking faith infused words is wisdom.

Q: Lord, this is interesting, but the apostles and church of the New Testament didn’t have access to so many colorful clothing and decor as today’s modern society, and yet they enjoyed a wide spectrum of supernatural manifestations.

A: What you say is true and very observant. Those people didn’t have electricity as a common power source either, even though electricity was just as real 2,000 years ago as it is today. I didn’t give the first generation church revelation about electricity, color, or many other things that they were not ready to receive.

They saw the manifestation of the supernatural because the River of Life flowed freely among them. People don’t need to understand the powerful influence of color on their mind and body to flow in the supernatural, but if they do it will improve the quality and happiness of their life. And the reason why a person’s words are more powerful when they incorporate the colors of their heart is because these colors positively impact the heart and mind. And a positive heart and mind is not dammed up with anxiety, fear, worry, trauma, pain, anguish, anger, bitterness, regret, hate, stress, envy, strife, resentment, etc. A healthy state of heart and mind can be achieved without the benefits of intentionally using color, but why not be intentional with the colors of your life? It’s fun and impacting.

I came to give people an abundant life—a life overflowing with love, happiness, good success, and a high quality of life. The devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy anything and everything that has to do with My plans for a person’s life. The Holy Spirit strives to influence people to receive the life I want for them, which includes inspiring them to think and act in ways that will enrich their heart, mind, and body. Colors are just one of these influences.


1: I own a handmade jewelry pop-up business.


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