Journal Entries

Journal Entry # 38: He is Coming For His Bride

Photo by JohnnyGreig from Getty Images Signature

Sun 18 February 2024

This journal entry was a response to my asking the Lord about a dream I had the day before:

A: . . . In the Genesis story, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil was a fig tree, and Adam and Eve covered their nakedness in leaves from this tree. The Tree of Life was an olive tree which was symbolic of Me. Its leaves are the remedy for the ailments of every nation. Its fruit—My body—was pressed for the salvation of humanity.

The robes that our Father made for Adam and Eve were made with animal skins. These robes were a sign of the plan for salvation, and were symbolic of the sacrifice of My life, which saved humanity from the penalty of sin and restored their true identity and intimacy with God. But our Father covers those who accept Me and become My bride with a different robe—the Robe of Righteousness, made with the leaves from the Tree of Life.

Q: Dear Lord, What do the leaves from the Tree of Life symbolize?

A: My love. Unconditional, eternal, fierce love. The love that so passionately ignited My heart that I gave My life to save humanity.

The baptism of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost sealed My engagement to My bride. She wears the Robe of Righteousness and is adorned in the anointing of the Holy Spirit much like a betrothed woman is adorned with an engagement ring that a man gives to his bride, so that the whole world knows that her heart is taken. The engagement ring is a tangible, publicly visible token symbolizing his love. So is the anointing that adorns My bride. A woman is proud to wear her fiance’s ring and there is a glow about her when she shows it to others. So too, My bride is proud to wear My anointing and there is a glow about her that is visible to the world when she displays her anointing. But it is not until the wedding date comes, that their love is fully consummated.

Love is in the air. There is a wedding coming. I am coming for My bride dressed in her white wedding garment made with the healing leaves from the Tree of Life. And then My bride will fully embody My love as I fully embodied the love of My Father. It was this love that wept at the death of Lazarus and then resurrected him, and it was this same love that drove the money changers out of My Father’s house. My love catapults radical, supernatural action.

Light can already be seen peeking over the horizon, revealing that the sunrise of the Age of Peace is soon. My bride will fully manifest My presence in all 7 Mountains of culture in all of the world. There will be marvelous manifestations of healings for the body and mind, restoration of youth and vitality, and deliverances from the demonic influences that inspire abuse, immorality, and every vice performed on earth. The days when good is called “evil” and evil is called “good” will rapidly fade into oblivion. Health, happiness, and harmony, will reign in the hearts and bodies of My people.

The Pentecostal Baptism in the Holy Spirit has the power to manifest healings and miracles just as engaged couples have the ability to plan, prepare, and rehearse their wedding ceremony and reception. These are fun and exciting times to celebrate and enjoy and accomplish a lot but they are not equal to the celebration on the wedding day. I commissioned My bride to go into all the world with My Good News, and that commission is still active. My people need to be actively planning and preparing and taking action. Everytime a soul is saved; Everytime a miracle or healing manifests on earth; Everytime a ministry gains ground; Everytime a Mountain is reformed; it is like a rehearsal for our coming wedding celebration.


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