Journal Entries

Journal Entry #15: Forgiveness is a Kind of Deliverance

Photo by RomoloTavani from Getty Images

Sun 9 July 2023

Q: Lord, is it true that it is necessary to forgive people who hurt you before you can be healed? This is hard for me to understand because I know Christians are forgiven of all their past, present, and future sins. Plus all the people You healed, when You lived on earth, hadn’t forgiven everyone that they needed to.

A: Forgiveness is a kind of deliverance. All of the people I healed had a miracle, which is different from a healing. Healing is a process of physical transformation from a state of dis-ease to wholeness. Miracles are an instant recreation of the body.

Yes, it is true that you are forgiven for your past, present, and future sins, and will never suffer the penalty for these sins under the Law because I suffered the penalty for you. But when a person, knowingly or unknowingly, has not forgiven the injuries inflicted on them by others or themselves (for bad choices, even if made ignorantly or innocently), the footprints of these injuries are still active and alive, wreaking havoc on the person’s mind and body. Forgiveness is like deliverance. It arrests and abolishes those footprints, rendering them permanently inactive and unable to impact the mind or body.

To clarify, forgiving a person who has injured you is a deliverance from the demonic activity which keeps the footprints of those injuries active and alive. Forgiving releases the victim from the prison of pain and trauma, but the victimizer is not released from My judgment until they repent and come to me for forgiveness, and then I will heal them too.

But the ability to heal traumatic experiences, like those resulting in PTSD, is beyond human capability. The power to authenticity forgive such trauma is a gift from Me, imparted by the Holy Spirit. It is the only way to permanently free someone from this kind of traumatic oppression. 

True forgiveness is as much a miracle as raising the dead back to life, because in a very real sense when a person feels anger, or its variations, that negative energy is a form of death within them. Forgiveness delivers them from this death and restores them to happiness, joy, and vitality, because it sets them on the path to the fullness of life. People with unforgiveness are off course, to one degree or another, from the path of life.

On this subject many of My people miss the mark. They berate suffering people for “harboring” unforgiveness, when in reality they are not intentionally harboring but are prisoners needing this revelation to be set free.

Ministers need to first seek Me, asking for the Holy Spirit to gift the person being ministered to with the power to forgive before they ask the person to forgive, because with humans it is impossible but with God all things are possible.

If a person can bring Me the desire to forgive even though they haven’t been able to yet, I can work a miracle in their heart and will make their burden of unforgiveness light, so that they will be able to forgive. And how they will rejoice when they are able to forgive.

Again, forgiveness is a healing deliverance for the victim’s sake, and the victimizer is fully released by the victim to Me for My perfect judgment. It is a miracle restoration of the heart.

Healing ministers should never blame or berate people for having unforgiveness but seek the Holy Spirit to empower them to forgive. There would be many more miracles on earth if My people will receive this revelation, because asking for healing for the soul or body before asking for deliverance from unforgiveness and the anointing to forgive is like putting the cart before the horse. You’re just not going to go anywhere.


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