Dreams & Interpretations

Dream #5: The Prophetic Escalator

Photo by V&M STUDIO (This is a stock photo.)

Wed 12 February 2020

I was standing still—like on an escalator—but moving upward, while receiving prophetic Words. I heard this message:

“Good or bad God will show it to you just the same.”


Lynne’s comments:

After waking up and pondering this dream I was reminded of John 1:50-51. These verses are preceded by the story about Jesus giving Nathanael a prophetic Word:

“Jesus answered, ‘Do you believe simply because I told you I saw you sitting under the fig tree? You will experience even more impressive things than that! I prophesy to you eternal truth: From now on you all will see an open heaven and gaze upon the Son of Man like a stairway reaching into the sky with messengers of God climbing up and down upon him.” (TPT)


Tue 23 January 2024

Q: Dear Lord, please give me the interpretation for this dream.

A: Ascending in the escalator symbolizes spiritual ascent, which is the ability to tune into the flow of the Holy Spirit and receive prophetic revelations.

In John 1:51 My Word explains that it is My messengers who are ascending and descending on this “staircase.” My messengers are not always angels. Everytime a person speaks a prophetic Word—which is a “message” from God—they are a “messenger” for God.

Every born-again Christian has the potential to be a messenger for God and ascend into the heavenly realm to receive a prophetic revelation and then descend back into the earth realm to deliver that revelation to whom it was intended. Messengers are who the Bible calls “the manifest Sons of God.” All of the world is waiting for them to embrace their destiny.

But what of the Word you received in this dream, Good or bad God will show it to you just the same? Facts are observable reality. Bad things are facts. All that is truly good is from Me. The good is My perspective, My plans and My purposes.

Sometimes it is necessary for Me to give My people a revelation about the facts so that they can defeat those facts with My truth. You can’t hit a target that you can’t see. Facts are the target that I want My people to hit with My truth. Everytime facts are revealed in revelation from Me it is for the purpose of overcoming the bad in those facts with My Good News.


Tree of Life Ministries at www.tolm.blog

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